Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly... Parents

Kid.... Someone should tell you it's not your fault.

Being a parent.... 

When you are young, maybe you came to a world with parents and you just assume life comes with the whole package. "No, you can't stay up until late" "Turn off the TV, do your homework" "You need to be in this boring family party because we said so" etc. etc.

When you are a teenager, your vision of the world is very romanticized... You are right and everybody else is wrong; you think you know more than your parents, your teachers and any other adult; and just finishing senior year, if you have a boyfriend you think about getting a job (because it is really easy), getting away from your parents (because they ruin your life) and getting married (because a marriage is also no big deal.... you can live out of all the love you have for each other).

Ok ok, you get it: VERY VERY delusional and romanticized world.

Then you become a young adult, you see all of the bills and other responsibilities and try to run away from that as far as possible... What happened to being a kid? taking naps? having your food ready?

You have 22..... you look around and NOW you understand your life is but taking a little bit of form, it's starting to take a little bit of direction, and you don't have the world figured out, yet!

But, you look around and see your classmates, other college students and work colleagues getting married and having babies or.... maybe having babies and then getting married.

The Point Is....

If you have a kid, whether you planned for it or not, you are a parent.

Parents are not a different specie from us. They are human, they make mistakes, they learn and.... there are parents that are good people and parents that are bad people.

We, the children, need to understand that. Maybe our parents don't love us; and if that is the case, it's not our fault, it's theirs. A lot of parents have children without wanting them or without knowing how it will affect their lives. Suddenly they have 3 billion new responsibilities and (in their eyes) there is only one person to blame for all of this.... the baby.

It's not fair, it's not just, it shouldn't be like this, but it happens.

Some parents resent their child, criticize their child too much, bully their child, bury their child with responsibilities just to show them life is not easy, just to show them how they got stuck with a thousand responsibilities they didn't wanted, but had to do anyways... There are parents that emotionally can't deal with their own problems, there are parents that can't and don't express love or affection to their kids and there are parents that even don't want to see their kids succeed...

Kid... Understand that IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. The decisions your parents make are their OWN; the mistakes your parents make are THEIR OWN; and the attitude they have, the life they lead IS THEIR OWN. You are not responsible for them; you can't help them if they don't want to be helped, if they don't want to be better; you are not what they say you are, you are WHO YOU CHOOSE TO BE.

The world doesn't think like them, they don't agree with your parents. We want people to follow their passions, we want people to smile to total strangers, we want people who want to be better, who want to succeed... We also want people that would be awesome parents...

The reality

Maybe you know or maybe you don't (and I'm quoting here) "Currently, about half (51%) of the 6.6 million pregnancies in the United States each year (3.4 million) are unintended". I'm not going to abide %100 true the statistic at the Guttmacher Institute, but I am going to say that what I am seeing out there with my own eyes is very alarming. 

Whose fault is it? and How do we stop this?

I have no idea. We need to start promoting safe sex and conversations about safe sex, in our houses, in our schools, in our media... Not only condoms, every form of protection that exist. Everyone can judge and choose on their own.

Apart from that... I have no idea. I am not planning on having kids.... ever. Maybe in a few years I change my mind, maybe not. If I ever want a kid, I'll probably adopt, because someone needs to tell that kid that this world wants him or her and that it's not his or her fault other people couldn't realize that sooner.

Sex should not be a taboo subject. Adoption should not be a taboo subject. Protection shouldn't be a taboo subject. 

So.... What do you think?

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